Crafting Client-Centered UX: The Designer's Approach

Joseph Stagnaro | Oct 7th, 2024
Crafting Client-Centered UX: The Designer's Approach

As UX designers, we start every project by stepping into the client’s shoes. We dive deep into their business, exploring their industry, competitors, and goals, while gaining an understanding of the challenges they face. By approaching the project from this perspective, we are able to see their vision clearly and define what success looks like for them. This foundation helps us create user experiences that are not just functional or aesthetically pleasing but also aligned with the client’s broader business objectives.

Once we have a solid understanding of the client’s world, we shift our focus to the user’s perspective. We don’t just design as consumers—we design with the client’s goals in mind, ensuring the solution works for both users and the business. This approach helps us bridge the gap between user needs and business priorities, delivering solutions that are practical, impactful, and uniquely tailored to each client.

Going into a project without fully understanding the client’s vision might sound bold, but that’s not what the client truly needs. What they want is a partner who understands their goals, collaborates with them, and brings a fresh perspective. If we’re not aligned with their objectives, we risk delivering a solution for a problem they don’t have.

Once we’re aligned—having identified the problem and brainstormed potential solutions—we’re ready for the most critical phase: designing the right solution. For example, a client might need to manage leads more effectively. It could seem like a straightforward fix—just implement a well-known CRM like HubSpot. But then we dig deeper and realize that the client has a limited budget and no internal team to manage a complex sales pipeline.

Jumping into solution mode too quickly can lead to overlooking critical factors, and that’s where the value of dedicated UX design becomes clear. We don’t just solve surface-level issues; we dive deep into research and user insights to inform every decision.

Case Study: Enhancing the Patient Experience at a Virtual Psychiatry Practice

Frontier Provider Page Screen Capture

A screenshot of Frontier Care's provider search page.

One of our recent collaborations was with a virtual psychiatry clinic, where we helped improve their digital presence. Through extensive user research, we identified a key pain point: online appointment scheduling. For this clinic, the scheduling process wasn’t just about functionality—it was about enhancing the patient experience in finding the right provider.

While there are plenty of off-the-shelf scheduling tools available, none fit the clinic’s unique needs after our research and demo calls. Some solutions were too expensive, others lacked integration with their existing EHR, and many either offered unnecessary features or lacked crucial functionality.

In the end, we developed a custom provider-patient matching tool that allowed patients to filter providers based on their needs, view detailed profiles, and schedule appointments directly within the clinic’s EHR system. This solution didn’t just address a technical challenge—it transformed the patient experience, making it easier to find the right care provider. More importantly, it was viable for the client: it fit their budget, integrated seamlessly with their existing systems, and didn’t require additional staffing or resources to manage. By aligning both user needs and business realities, we delivered a solution that was both effective and sustainable.

The Takeaway

Great UX design isn’t about implementing generic solutions; it’s about understanding both the client’s and the user’s needs. By focusing on research-driven, user-centered design, we deliver solutions that are not only functional but also meaningful and impactful.

Ready to Elevate Your Digital Experience?

At CodeDrifters, we specialize in crafting tailored UX solutions that align with your business goals and enhance your user experience. Whether you’re navigating complex challenges or seeking a fresh perspective on your digital presence, we’re here to help. Let’s work together to design intuitive, impactful solutions that meet your unique needs.

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